Frequently Asked Questions

Here are a collection of the questions we hear most often.

  • How is this free? How does Rapidbook make money?

    We made the decision to make Rapidbook free for agents shortly after launch because so many agents and agencies are still struggling after Covid. 

    We accept support from industry suppliers to keep the lights on and continue growing our feature set.

  • Is Rapidbook secure? Do you collect my data?

    One of our biggest concerns when building Rapidbook was Data Security and Privacy.  

    We engineered the copy process to happen entirely in your local Chrome browser, so we don't need to transfer your data through external servers. You can rest easy knowing your booking data never even leaves your computer, and we never see or track it.

  • Help! Why is there no Copy/Paste button?

    If you're not seeing your Copy/Paste button it may be due to one of several causes:

    1) Some suppliers only show the button on certain pages. Check the documentation above for your specific supplier to see if copying is supported on the page you're on. (e.g. Click Cruise > WLCL in the navbar at the top of this page)

    2) There's an issue with the supplier website or Rapidbook. Suppliers frequently update their websites, which can cause issues with Rapidbook. If you're stuck please post your issue in the Rapidbook Facebook Group , chances are other agents are having the same problem!